
Search Results for "spondylitis"

Infrared Therapy versus LED Therapy

Infrared Therapy versus LED Therapy Light therapy is one of the oldest modalities used to treat a variety of health conditions. The use of coherent light sources (like lasers) and non-coherent light sources (like light emitting diodes or LEDs) have opened new avenues...

So you want to have a a baby? Pregnancy & Arthritis Webinar

The CSA was thrilled to host Dr. Carl Laskin for a very special webinar on arthritis and pregancy. Dr. Laskin, who is a rheumatologist that specializes in pregnant patients, provided valuable information on the interaction of medicine as well as will be answered questions from the community

Downloadable Resources & Guidebooks

The Canadian Spondyloarthritis Association has developed guidebooks on AxSpA and PsA to provide information and tools for you. In addition to being a valuable resource to you, these are also excellent pieces to share with your family and friends to gain a better understanding of your condition and how it can impact your life.

CSA Book Corner

This page will feature reading resources for education, treatments, health management, diet, exercise, and support for members who suffer from or who have loved ones who suffer from ankylosing spondylitis, axial spondyloarthritis, and related diseases such as psoriatic arthritis,  IBS and IBD (ulcerative colitis and Crohns), psoriasis, heart and stroke, and disability.

Social Media Link Tree

Recognize Arthritis Awareness by Supporting our Board Chair!  With September being Arthritis Awareness Month, Dr. Élie Karam, the CSA Board Chair, is reaching out to Canadians to join him in raising $10,000 to invest in SpA research.  Together, we can support those...

Non-Pharmacological Treatments

Managing Spondyloarthritis takes time and effort, and in many cases, trial and error. What works well for one patient is not necessarily effective for another, even if they have been diagnosed with the same condition. What works for someone now may not work for the...

Meet Mihaly, our new Support Group Leader for Southwestern Ontario!

I know what you’re already thinking…terms like Ankylosing Spondylitis and Enteropathic Arthritis are hard enough to pronounce and this guy has a name that looks like hieroglyphics! It’s easy. It’s pronounced “Me-High Jur-X” , not so bad! I’ve been living with AS for...


LEGAL Terms of Use The information, software, products, and services published on this website may include inaccuracies or errors, including pricing errors. In particular, The Canadian Spondyloarhritis Association and the affiliated, co-branded and/or linked website...

Documentary – In My Bones

When I search for “autoimmune disease” or “immune-mediated disease” on YouTube, I get a lot of results, but very few of them are about ankylosing spondylitis (AS). It’s disappointing that so few videos are made by people with AS. I’m looking for someone to connect with, who understands, and who has a personality. Something real.

CSA Medical Advisory Committee

The Canadian Spondyloarthritis Association (CSA)'s Medical Advisory Committee is composed of  professionals who are experienced in working with and treating those who live with spondyloarthritis. We are proud and most appreciative of the time and expertise of some of...