How Mindful Eating can help with Chronic Illness
Interested in learning how Mindful Eating can help with your Chronic Illness such as Spondyloarthritis?
The Canadian Spondylitis Association & Samantha Holmgren hosted this free webinar to help you understand the basics of mindful eating. This webinar was open to all members, regardless of whether you have spondyloarthritis or not. Learn how Mindful Eating can help with your Chronic Illness
- We know, generally, what humans need to be healthy. But there are details that vary from person to person. Mindful & intuitive eating help you uncover what works for you
- Having energy and feeling well feels good. Mindful eating allows you to notice the habits that energize you — and which ones don’t.
- When you force yourself to use “willpower” and white-knuckle your way to change your habits, it gets harder and harder over time. Mindfulness get easier over time. It feels good and makes you want more!
- How many diets have you tried? How many worked? It doesn’t matter if it “worked” for a month or two, that is nothing when compared to all the years you will have lived. I’m talking true long-term success. The vast majority of diets were never designed to last. But there is another way.
Learn how Mindful Eating can help with your chronic illness by watching the recording below.
Other resources on Nutrition:
Evaluation – Mindful Eating & Chronic Illness
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