
Mental Health

Dealing with a New Diagnosis – A Mental Health Webinar

This webinar focuses on navigating the emotional journey that follows a new diagnosis, acknowledging that it is a process akin to grieving. A new diagnosis, especially of a chronic condition, often prompts a range of emotions that may mirror the stages of grief. Our expert speakers will guide participants through…

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Recharging your Batteries – A Mental Health Webinar

Interested in learning how to improve your mental health via our recorded webinar? Already watched the session? Complete the evaluation! In today’s fast-paced world, finding ways to recharge and prioritize your mental well-being is crucial. Dr. Dayna Lee-Baggley, a leading authority in mental health, brings her expertise and compassionate insights…

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Spoon Theory Banner

Spoon Theory and Talking to Loved Ones

Mental Health Has someone ever asked you what it feels like to live with a spondyloarthritic condition and you’re just at a loss for words? Sometimes it feels like SpA is impossible to explain and people on the outside will never understand. Some say “if you know, you know” but…

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Mental Health Webinar Banner

Building a Village to Manage Chronic Illness (2022)

Join the CSA & Dr. Lee-Baggley for a free webinar on Mental Health. Learn about the science of why and how social connection is important for managing chronic illness and improving mental health.

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Chronic Disease Distress Webinar (2020)

Mental Health Registered psychologist, Dr. Dayna Lee-Baggley, provided an informative presentation on managing our mental health during Covid-19 and beyond while living with a chronic inflammatory condition. Topics include: How to identify and manage the symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress The importance of effectively managing pain, depression, anxiety and stress and impact on…

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