
Young Adult

Advocacy Banner

Advocating for yourself

Young Adult What is it and why should you do it?  Advocacy. It can be a scary word and an even scarier thing to do. What does it truly mean to advocate? Sure, the dictionary says it’s “public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy,” but how…

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Navigating Internet Banner

A guide to Navigating Information on the Internet

Young Adult It can be daunting researching medical information online. It’s easy for a quick google search of your symptoms to lead you to spend hours on your phone, doom scrolling through articles that leave you believing worst-case scenarios and crawling with anxiety about something that is likely not as…

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Spoon Theory Banner

Spoon Theory and Talking to Loved Ones

Young Adult Has someone ever asked you what it feels like to live with a spondyloarthritic condition and you’re just at a loss for words? Sometimes it feels like SpA is impossible to explain and people on the outside will never understand. Some say “if you know, you know” but…

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Body Map Banner

Using a Body Map to Describe your Symptoms

Young Adult Drawing how you visualize your condition can be extremely powerful. Art can be used as a therapy and has shown to lead to increased quality of life ⁽¹⁾. It can also help healthcare professionals understand the experience of health and illness ⁽¹⁾. Additionally, art can be used as…

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Workplace page banner

Spondyloarthritis & The Workplace

Young Adult It is no secret that SpA can have an effect on your employment and work life. In our 2020 Quality of Life Survey, 40.8% said that they are working full-time, including self-employment. 2.4% were on short-term disability and 15.8% were on long-term disability.  We’ve develloped this information to…

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Sex & SpA Banner

Sex & Spondyloarthritis

Young Adult How to have a healthy sex life while living with Spondyloarthritis Changes in your sex life is often an overlooked consequence of living with arthritis. Difficulties in washing the dishes, vacuuming the floors or walking up and down stairs are common points of discussion, but unfortunately the topic…

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Learn to navigate your post secondary education while living with Spondyloarthritis.

Young Adult Learn to navigate your post secondary education while living with Spondyloarthritis. Navigating post-secondary education in itself can be challenging. Moving away from home, making new friends, declaring a major and balancing your social life, relationships and school life can be challenging  for anyone. Adding chronic illness to this…

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Time Management Banner

Time Management

Young Adult Let’s be real, young adults tend to have busy lives, whether it’s school or work, social events or family obligations, many of us have a full schedule. It can be difficult to manage this when adding doctor’s appointments, medical procedures, flare ups and everything else that comes along…

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Sarah in the Gym

Sara’s – Young Adult Feature

I want every young person to know that arthritis doesn’t have to derail your life. Ten years ago, after graduating with a degree in Kinesiology at the age of 21 I was feeling excited and optimistic about my future. I was hired for my first full time job as a…

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Maryssa Hiking

Maryssa’s Story – Young Adult Feature

Young Adult My journey with arthritis started at only 2 years of age. Random rashes turned into inexplicable sore joints and fatigue. Years and many medical appointments later, I was (finally) diagnosed at the age of 11 with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis as well as Enthesitis-related Arthritis by a specialist from…

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8 Older Entries